For Growth-Oriented Women who are Ready to

Empower Their Hearts and Lives with Greater

Self-acceptance, Self-respect and Self-trust ~ The Keys to Unlock your happiness.  

 Next Master Class Begins September 2023

Are you Sleeping in the Dream of your Life?


Does your outer world appear to look fine, but inside you:

Live with anxiety and dissatisfaction and wonder  – “Where have I gone?”

Feel confused and doubt yourself and your choices.

Struggle with a lack of confidence and judge yourself  daily.

Fight chronic discontent because you know there must be more.


Are you ready to Wake Up to You?

It’s time…maybe past time! You are clear you are ready to empower yourself and shift your life

where you experience greater ease, happiness and fulfillment.



I invite you to…

This master class offers you teachings, tools and abundant support to shift patterns that no longer serve you.


  • Expand your heart capacity to create greater intimacy with yourself and others.

  • Ground into worthiness to create a life of love and connection. 

  • Enhance self-acceptance to free up self-judgment, hiding and defensiveness. 

  • Deepen self-respect to regulate your nervous system and strengthen boundaries.

  • Root into self-trust to release self-doubt and confusion.

  • Align with the source of creation and move into greater flow with you and your life.

  • AND you’ll feel supported, seen and heard by like-minded women ~ We Heal in Community!

Meet Victoria Allen

Hi, I’m Victoria Allen, Tender of Dreams and Mentor of Minds.

Me 2021

For over three decades I’ve supported women to connect with their wisdom, power and strength.

The result? Increased self-acceptance, self-respect and self-trust – the cornerstones that create a life with great love and personal power.

My quest to free my mind and heal my heart has given me numerous riches. I’ve opened up the love that is within me which is in all of us.  I incorporate my education as a nurse practitioner, licensed psychotherapist, transformational coach, and yoga teacher in my work with women. As an early apprentice of don Miguel Ruiz, author of the Four Agreements and Mastery of Love, I gained access to the great love that lives within me.

My teachings are based in spiritual, psychological and yogic philosophy. For over 30 years, I’ve led spiritual journeys around the world to mentor women to know and love themselves. These workshops in Mexico, Costa Rica, India, Peru and the U.S. help women ground in to the strength of their truth and love. They see choice points and receive tools to dismantle old programming that causes them to feel disconnected from their authentic and empowered self.

I know what it takes to unwind conditioning, heal heart-break and create a life where Love out shines Fear.

It’s my joy and commitment to inspire and empower women to uncover the richness inside through Deepening.

Could that be YOU?


The Deepening experience is a 6 month commitment to connect 2 times a month on zoom.

☾  Specific homework assignments focused on the theme of the month.

☾  Practices to unwind your nervous system and enhance your energy.

☾  Interaction with a new partner each month to be witnessed and supported.

☾  Monthly Cost is $200.

Rave Reviews

“The Deepening” course is a journey of self-discovery for me.  I have learned tools that are helping me dream a life based in love and not fear.  Fear still arises in the form of self-sabotage, yet I’m able to observe it and shift to mindsets that will serve me better.  As a teacher, I recognize how skillfully Victoria has designed this course in planning and delivering the content.  Her questioning skills lead her students to reflect and find their own answers from within.  Many times we know the answers to our questions. We just need a light to illuminate the way.  Victoria shines that light.” ~ Z.M. 

“The Deepening has been life changing.  My light will shine brighter with her as my teacher, helping me break faulty beliefs weighing me down. The content and sequencing of topics is incredible, and supports my growing out of lifelong patterns keeping me from the life of my dreams.  Victoria has a real and rare light, love and joy about her that radiates from within.  I figure, if you want what someone else has, then follow them, learn from them! ~ L.N. 

I have worked with Victoria for over 10 years. The Deepening is the perfect playground to put into practice the dreaming skills learned in the Intentional Dreaming course. My favorite part of the class is connecting with a different partner each month. We share homework and dive more deeply into ourselves through a safe, respectful and authentic connection.~K. M.

“The Deepening has truly been a deepening experience within me, and a community of women who are seeking their Authentic self!  The monthly partner assignment is very enriching.” ~ L.C.

“I listened to the last class recording. What an incredible class. Really touching, with some humor for relief lol. I felt really connected to everyone while listening and wish I could have been there live. Definitely a recording that could be listened to over and over. A lot of deep wisdom and tools there. I’m so happy you are our leader with the supercharged flashlight lighting the way!” ~ L.V.

“Deepening with Victoria has been a profoundly intimate experience. It has created a deeper connection to myself and brought me incredibly close to the amazing, brilliant and wonderful women in my tribe.  We became mirrors for each other, sharing in growth, and learning from each others’ experiences – good and bad as well as  beautiful and ugly.  You simply can’t view the world through the same lens ever again. You will shift.  Victoria’s wisdom and guidance through the dream work are essential to understanding your inner world. You will be launched into a new reality that will help you find your unique expression of who you are in the world.” ~ T. M.

“Victoria was one of my first apprentices. She offers a compassionate heart and powerful presence to those who meet her. She is a bright light in this world and I encourage you to experience her wisdom and love.” Don Miguel Ruiz – author of The Four Agreements and The Mastery of Love

I invite you to The Deepening

Join this experience by emailing me your intention to be part of this collective to

We meet two times a month – days and times will be coordinated from those interested in joining.

Your first month’s tuition of $200 will hold your place on the waitlist.

Venmo VictoriaAllen@blisskisser or PayPal at