
Rave Reviews

I’ve been super blessed to meet and deepen with these beautiful beings throughout the many years I’ve been doing what I love to do…Love On People! Thank you for your kind words and all the love you offer to me and to the world.

– Victoria

“Victoria was one of my first apprentices. She offers a compassionate heart and powerful presence to those who meet her. She is a bright light in this world and I encourage you to experience her wisdom and love.”

Don Miguel Ruiz - author of the Four Agreements & The Mastery of Love

“Working with Victoria has opened my being and my life to immeasurable treasures. I have reconnected with many parts of myself and am grateful for each and every reunion. She helps me bring love to all these parts–the quiet whispers, the bold cries, the painful wounds and the wise healer within. Victoria’s deep love and impeccable guidance give me permission to love more fully.”

D.G.K. ~ Ph.D. Child Psychologist

“I found myself suddenly amidst a marriage crisis. I was in a desperate, emotional state and needed support. From the moment Victoria and I began our sessions together, something deep inside of me began to shift. In the days and months that followed, an immense healing took place on a profound level that went back to the earliest days of my life. I’ve now discovered my voice and realize what matters in my life. I have grounded into deeper self-love. Victoria is more than a coach or therapist. She’s a wise woman beyond her years, a beacon of self-acceptance, a champion of those she works with. There is no pretense with her. Just authenticity.”

M.S. ~ Attorney

“Victoria has helped turn scary and confusing situations in my life into inspiring challenges just through a shift in my thought processes. She has a gentle way of comforting me and shining hope onto my struggles when I am unable to comfort myself. I always feel a huge weight lifted off of me after speaking with her. She is literally one of a kind. “

K.G. ~ Hair Stylist

“Victoria, you have given me the tools to escape my suffering. There can be no greater gift! As you know, I have received teachings from many different venues, yet I was frustrated because I still couldn’t change. You have an uncanny perception that consistently challenges me to find truth and grow my authenticity. My life’s foundation has strength and stability from the simple and clear toolbox I have created from your work. You are a powerful blessing.”

C.S. ~ Ortho Bionomy Practitioner

“With your guidance, self-respect is coming out of me. I now have my voice and know what is important to me. I realize what is acceptable and unacceptable in my life. I don’t know if I’ve ever had that before. Certainly not from a place of respect, panic yes. My life has truly been enriched by your teachings.”

K.M. ~ Dressage Instructor

“It was difficult for me to even admit how closed down I was. With so much deep meditation in my history I thought I should be more together, but that work hadn’t really shifted greatly in the areas that mattered most to me. I wanted to love. I was incredibly discouraged-disheartened. As I’ve worked the love-stalking practices with Victoria, my fear-based reality has been dismantling. I am for the first time in my life, actually happy–joyful to be alive each day. And still, months after my last trip to Teotihuacan, Mexico, with Victoria and Doug, the fear, at least as the tyrant of my life is gone. And with that, my heart is opening. Victoria is a brilliant facilitator, creating a safe space to bring out the tender places within me.”

B.J.F. ~ Acupuncturist & Chiropractor

“Victoria’s method of teaching digs under the diagnostic labels that most professionals find useful. She works with people to unwind their contracted energy patterns and question their ingrained beliefs. Rich in the knowledge passed down in the teaching lineage of don Miguel Ruiz, Victoria brings light to the parts that are suffering in darkness. Victoria has compassionately advised me throughout the past four years. With her guidance I have done a complete 180 as to my perspective on how I reflect happiness and integrity. I credit most of the personal peace and contentment I enjoy today to her teachings.”

B.J. ~ Marketing Coordinator & Graphic Designer

“I could see changes in my friend. With a little skepticism, I decided to work with Victoria and keep an open mind. My goal was to open myself up to my emotions and to love. Through dreaming and personal sessions with Victoria, I quickly gained awareness of how my thoughts, actions and self-identity were controlled by my judgments and opinions about certain events in my life. Learning to recognize and let go of those judgments wasn’t easy. I was surprised to learn how decoding my dreams could heal wounds at a deep, emotional level. Victoria was an incredible guide through this process. She is insightful, compassionate and tough when I needed it, yet always with love, humor and absolutely no judgment. I still have a ways to go yet I am beginning to see how amazing it is to live my life with freedom, and the joy and peace that goes with it. I am very grateful to be going through this process and to have such a remarkable person to guide me through it.”

J.B ~ Attorney

“There are moments and events in life when you know something has changed. For me, the weekend with Victoria and Doug in Malibu was one of them. There have been times in my life when I’ve been in bliss and ecstasy, but this time is different. It’s something in me that changed and I can feel the difference in my everyday life.”

M. Z. ~ Entrepreneur

“Victoria is an amazing life coach with an open and loving heart. Her in-depth decades long experience working with people from all walks of life and her innate ability to ask the right questions, leads you down the path of your own self discovery. She gave me the tools I needed to connect with myself and change the way I interact with friends, family and colleagues. Working with her changed my life!”

S.C. ~ Senior Research Scientist

“As predicted, 2012 was a year of amazing change for me—the end of my world as I knew it. Victoria’s year long Mystery Circle shifted my worldview in a profound way. My eyes opened to fantasies and delusions I’ve long held about how the world and the spiritual path work. Seeing the ineffectiveness of my strategies–the way they dissipated my energy and the way they alienated me from others–made it possible to shed some cherished beliefs that had never worked (no matter how much I wanted them to.) I didn’t expect a tele-class to have a strong impact. I was surprised to find deep and meaningful connections to the other participants without face-to-face contact. Victoria gave us solid support for the assigned exercises, actions, contemplations, meditations, and telephone conversations with partners. This course has changed my life.”

U.A. ~ Spiritual Seeker

“Although I moved through this process with you kicking and screaming a bit, I wouldn’t be walking with so much grace as I am without the tools and heart that grew in your presence. Ten thousand blessings to you.”

L.B. ~ Writer & Gardener

“What you've created in dream circle is PURE GOLD! Magical, shimmering gold. Last night, I yet again experienced how when women get together and share themselves, they get connected to their deepest wisdom and align with their courage in profound ways.

I'm so incredibly grateful to be a part of the group and have the chance to swim around in such a powerful container. The work we are doing as a collective is growing me, aligning me with my heart like I've never known, and giving me the strength to own my desires like never before. And, in hearing the other women share their experiences, my compassion is growing, my connection to them is growing, and I am feeling more connected inside.”
