Monthly Archives February 2016

Do you Flow with Resilience?

“When life throws difficulties at us and the mind is restless, emotional resilience will see us through these challenging times.”  ~ Christopher Dines Do you ever wonder how to cope with, express or manage your emotions? Do you over-react to situations or suppress your expression? If you say Yes, read on! I want to share with you the importance of developing Emotional Resilience, what you need and HOW TO DO IT. Emotional Resilience is your ability to adapt to stressful situations or crises. It also entails your ability to engage in intimate communication. You STAY OPEN – present to the situation and to the emotional winds that move through you. With Emotional Resilience you’re able to ‘roll with the punches’ without lasting difficulties. You handle
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Roses & No Roses

“The minute I heard my first love story, I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was. Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere. They are in each other all the time.”  ~ Rumi         Happy Valentine’s Day, Being the romantic that I am, I remember that specific Valentine’s day as I waited in excited anticipation for my sexy,  generous, spiritual, romantic husband to waltz in the door from work with his usual Valentine roses for me. It was him all right… but No roses! You can know that my romantic expectations took a nosedive, along with my princess attitude. and then… my TAKING IT PERSONALLY story showed up, “I’m not a priority or lovable enough.” and then… my INSENSITIVE MEN story showed up, “They
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