Monthly Archives September 2017

Be the Peace in the Eye of the Storm!

Are you standing strong in the eye of the storm? Or, has the chaos of our times uprooted you?  Turbulent times can bring out the best in us, or the worst in us. Our internal state determines which way we will go. With massive floods and fires across the globe, political uprising and threats of growing nuclear power, it is clear that we live in shaky, uncertain times. Many people are feeling scared, confused, concerned and helpless in the midst of these tumultuous times. And, many people want to contribute in a supportive and positive way. Most certainly, we are all a little more in touch with the fragility of life. If you desire to become established in a more peaceful inner state and stand strong in the storms of life, here are
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The Drama Triangle

“Drama is very important in life. You have to come on with a bang. You never want to go out with a whimper. Everything can have drama, if it’s done right. Even a pancake.”  ~ Julia Childs What is your relationship to drama? And, I’m not talking about the pancake kind. You know – the stories, opinions and emotions that send you up, pull you down and spin you all around, using a ton of energy. Whether you see it on the news, experience it with your mate, or spend time with your long lost family, I suspect you do know about the drama that dissipates energy and creates distance in relationships. Today, I want to share with you a model called the “drama triangle’. This dynamic is based on work by Stephen Karpman,
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Priceless Gems

“Love and Compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive.” ~ Dalai Lama Have you ever wanted to help a family member or close friend who has a tendency to suffer quite regularly? Maybe they are chronically depressed or feeling stuck or victimized by their life circumstances. You hear them complain, you feel their sadness or anger, and you watch them get caught up in the chaos or confusion that follows them around. Since you’ve been Raising Your State, you know that gaining awareness opens you to new possibilities and more conscious choices. You also know that dismantling faulty beliefs enhances the quality of all your experiences and relationships. Most people who suffer on a regular basis don’t recognize that much of their
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Is Your ‘No’ Ninja on Board?

I”m as proud of what we don’t do as what we do!” ~ Steve Jobs Is your ‘No’ Ninja on board to keep you Loving you?  If you look at your life, maybe just this week, I suspect there may be a few things you could have said “no” to but you didn’t. For most of us, we could probably say ‘no’ about a billion more times than we do. But, typically we don’t. Being a Doer has become the gold standard in our western culture. If you are like many people, action, accomplishment and accumulation have become a top value. In fact, when your identity is fortified by being a Doer, saying ‘Yes’ to working harder and doing more can become a familiar way of life. Giving yourself kudos, or
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