Cha Cha Changes

“The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.” ~ Alan Watts
Cha Cha Changes here at Raise Your State…If you are treating yourself to our Mar De Jade retreat April 16-23 or dreaming into the possibility of saying ‘YES’, our agenda has morphed a bit so read on…

​In this retreat, I’m inspired to bring forth the power of our deep feminine consciousness. From what I experience, it is time in our chaotic, stressed out collective consciousness to balance our masculine dominant ways of ‘doing the world’ and ‘doing our relationships’ with the wisdom of our radiant feminine nature that nurtures us, our relationships and all life. The ways of the feminine move with flow and harmony.

I love what Jean Shinoda Bolen writes in her book Urgent Message from Mother:

                      Gather the Women and Save the World.

As we Gather, I want to let you know about a change in the teachings I previously advertised to you.

My colleague Rita Rivera-Fox will not be able to join us for the retreat as advertised. Due to recent illness and a ski accident, Rita feels led to pull her energy out of co-creating this retreat.
Get well Rita!

     What does this mean for you? and me?

You will still bathe in gentle, restorative flow yoga each day to unwind deep body tension. You’ll learn simple yogic practices to take home with you. I’ll bring my experience of depth yoga to help you live more peacefully all year round.

You will connect to the rich fabric of our women’s Dream circle and discover how your dreamer taps you into intuition, ancient memory, symbolism and the wisdom of your inner knowing. I’ll connect us into the sacred, juicy ways of women’s circle.

You will have space and freedom to rejuvenate You on every level of your being as we bask in the scrumptious beauty, organic food and blue-green sea. And, you’ll love communing with others or taking space for alone time.


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As a bonus and an addition to our journey, my teaching partner and husband Doug Allen, will be on the side-lines, honoring the sacred feminine as he does so well. Doug is a highly gifted healer that adds a boost to the evolution of the soul in his one-on-one sessions. He will offer these sessions free to support you tapping in to your soul path. He will also offer evening meditations and transmissions that open pathways into higher consciousness.

Doug and I will blend our collective energies to create a beautiful, relaxing and peaceful ​week for you. Check out all information HERE. Please reply to and let me know you if you ready to deepen into your feminine radiance. We hope so!  New deposits are due now and final payment is due Feb 20.


“A woman always wants to belong. That has nothing to do with any particular individuals; it is something to do with the very nature of womanhood. It is part of the feminine mind to lean into somebody, to possess and to be possessed. So it is not a question of somebody being like that. All women, more or less, are like that. That is their intrinsic quality. And when a woman loses that quality, she loses something of her womanhood. Then she is almost like a man; she has a male mind. You will not feel that softness, that fragileness that gives grace and beauty as a woman. It is just like a creeper. The creeper needs some tree to belong to, to creep upon, to be supported by. The creeper cannot stand on its own. But that is one of the most beautiful experiences – that somebody belongs to you and you belong to somebody. Belonging is one of the most desired states of the human mind. You feel rooted when you feel that you belong to somebody.” ~ Osho

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