Monthly Archives October 2019

When Is Enough Enough?

Figure Out When Enough Is Enough Whether you are working a 60-80 hour week, pressurized to meet deadlines or managing the many demands of family, you are at risk of burnout. By the time people call me for a session to sort out distress in their life or relationships, many of the precursors to burnout are already present. Headaches, hips hurting, tight shoulders, upset stomach are a few of the physical symptoms present. However, it is the increasingly negative thoughts and frustration with relationships that often prompts them to call me. I first met Jaden 6 years ago in one of my dream weekends. She was feeling a big wave of new life ~ excited to start a new job and in love with a dynamic and caring
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What Voice Is Guiding You?

Are you ever torn between your rational, logical thinking mind and your primal feeling that arises from a deeper place within?  Bet so! Just  yesterday my mind said “Go” and my inner voice said NO! This is a common conundrum most of us experience in little ways on a daily basis. There are many voices speaking to us all the time. “Do I schedule that plane flight?”  – Man, that feels like a lot of energy. “Should I return the invitation?” – I’m just not into this friendship. “Do I take the leap of faith and let go? I know it is the right thing to do! ” – I’m too scared of what is unknown on the other side. Your wise inner self will always lead you to live in deeper, truthful and
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Does Addiction Lurk Around You?

“After half a century of psychiatric practice, I know without a doubt that the source of addiction is spiritual deficiency. Irrespective of whether we are religious or atheist, all human beings are spiritual by nature and spirituality is the cornerstone of our recovery.” — Abraham Twerksi ” I’m just a hard worker, my family needs to understand me.” ” I only drink beer and wine, and I don’t drink everyday.” ” But I just love to work out 2 hours a day.” ” It is their fault, no one ever understands me.” These are some of the voices that mask the rampant addictions used to cope with our stressful culture. Let’s face it,  as the intensity of our world amps up, many people are coping
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3 Reasons To Stay the Same

“One isn’t necessarily born with courage, but is born with potential. Without courage we can’t practice any other virtue with consistency. We can’t be kind, true, merciful, generous or honest.” Maya Angelou It is a universal truth that at some point in life you will be called upon to be courageous. You may play it safe for a good long time and avoid the discomfort of change, but eventually that call will come. From deep within the depths of your being, your true authentic self will want your attention. It will remind you that you have dreams that you are not living, love that you are not feeling, and truth that you are not telling. And you know that in order to answer that call, you’re going
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Are You Friends with your Feelings?

Feelings are Not Food Contrary to popular belief, it is not actually humanly possible to EAT your feelings. To support this fact, I’ll just briefly review what eating is: You eat the ham sandwich…you digest the ham sandwich…you flush the ham sandwich. This is a beautiful circle of life that is designed exclusively for food and does not apply, in any way, to feelings. One of the things we don’t learn enough in childhood is how to openly and honestly express what we feel. In order for us to have healthy relationships, being able to feel, process and express our emotions as they arise is essential. The problem is, so many of us learn early on that it’s not safe to express our true feelings. Either our caregivers
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