Back to Basics

” Find yourself and express yourself in your own particular way. Express your love openly. Life is nothing but a dream, and if you create your life with love, your dream becomes a masterpiece of art.” ~ Miguel Ruiz Summers were fun and care-free when Blair and Mallyce were young. We spent easy non-scheduled days having play dates and swimming. Waking to our natural rhythms, free from alarm clocks, homework and schedules. We enjoyed summer as a let down time for all of us. Can you mother’s relate? By August, restless kids looked forward to a new year and being with their school friends again. I loved September as a time to start anew. Time for me to take a new class or re-create life
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Relationship Rescue Remedy #3

“Do not free a camel of the burden of his hump: You may be freeing him from being a camel.” ~ G.K. Chesterton Do you have a camel who you think needs a little plastic surgery? Maybe you didn’t notice his hump when you first got him. But now you think he could use a little nip or a big tuck. Most of us can relate to wanting our camel, or anyone in our life for that matter, to be a little different than they are on occasion. Or, even a little more than on occasion. This week’s Relationship Rescue Remedy #3 speaks to just that; wanting to remove the humps from others so their way of being doesn’t interfere with our happiness. Last week I
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Relationship Rescue Remedy #2

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” Lao Tzu   I hope last week’s Relationship Rescue Remedy #1 ~ Everything begins with You tweaked your awareness. Maybe you asked yourself “Am I taking care of me?” or “What is my self-care?” or “What is the energy I feed my relationships?” Self-care is key to your own happiness and is directly related to how happy you are in relationship. If you aren’t lighting yourself up on a daily basis, the stress, neediness and discontent you carry is HOW you contribute to your relationships–all of them. (These weeklies are oriented toward relationship with a partner, however they can also be applied to a friend, child or parent relationship)                    
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You Want Intimacy?

“Intimacy is not a happy medium. It is a way of being in which the tension between distance and closeness is dissolved and a new horizon appears. Intimacy is beyond fear.” ~ Henri Nouwen Most of us haven’t learned the skills that foster true intimacy. What I know is that it has taken a lot of years and several relationships to teach me how to show up in relationship with my Love trumping my fear. I’ve cultivated energy in my Heart Powers and corralled this unruly mind that makes up crazy stories to keep me safe, in control and alone. Doug, my beloved, has shown up as a powerful mirror to help me see myself and how I am in relationship. His tenacity has opened
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3 Empowering Ways to Stop Self-Abandonment

BECOME A NO NINJA! The Warrior Spirit that Masters Your Mind! Your No Ninja offers 3 Ways to Stop Self-Abandonment “Take away the Hammer of your big judge!” If you are making up a big judgmental story of how anyone should be or act, to include yourself, DROP YOUR HAMMER! Who anointed you ‘special authority’ to beat up on yourself, and others, over and over again? Judgment does major damage to your relationships and especially the relationship you have with yourself. Take away your hammer to get your ticket out of mental hell and stop abandoning the presence that you are. “Stop your hustling to Be enough.”  If you hustle to be accepted and approved of by others, you’re still running the ‘I’m not enough’
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You Have Choice!

 “Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it’s always your choice.” ~ Wayne Dyer Fed Up ~  No More ~  I’ve simply had enough! This week has been quite a week. I’ve heard this shout out from a few people feeling stressed out and exhausted from ‘putting up with’ conditions and relationships that are PAST DUE. Their frustration and disappointment is coaxing them to LET GO, SET CLEARER BOUNDARIES and MAKE HEALTHIER CHOICES. Making changes and moving on is hard–it’s natural to be afraid of change; even the most courageous people get nervous. Facing the unknown future and living with uncertainty is frightening. The nature of the mind is to create safety and control. Here are 4 SIGNS that it might be
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Fire Your Should-Master

“If you trade your authenticity for safety, you may experience the following: anxiety, depression, eating disorders, addiction, rage, blame, resentment, and inexplicable grief.” ~ Brene Brown Do you know what it is like to say “yes” to something when you really want to say “no”? Does going along with someone’s agenda seem easier than carving out your own direction? Do you tend to follow the ‘should’ voice in your head, rather than follow what is authentically true for you? Beware! The Should-Master lurks everywhere! This merciless character insists, above all else, that you be appropriate, do your duty and accommodate others. In the Should-Master’s world, warding off disapproval, keeping the peace, and bolstering up your image is of utmost importance. First heard from the outside
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Dream Circle Starting in LA

Spark Your Dreams A Women’s 6 month Dream Circle If you are ready to add a juicy dimension to your life, I invite you to join me in illuminating your light through the power of your dreams. Our twice monthly meetings will be informative, interactive and fun for your inner dreamer. Dreams are a magical language packed with awareness. They shine light on the intricacies of your inner world, illuminating how rich and vast you are. Dreams uncover unconscious beliefs and habits that create challenges in your life. They guide your next steps to growth and creativity. As food for your soul, dreams connect you with your spiritual substance–the aspect of you that is naturally connected to ease, truth and love. Through conscious dreaming you’ll
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Teach People How to Treat You

” Fear is the great enemy of intimacy. Fear makes us run away from each other or cling to each other but does not create true intimacy.” ~ Henri Nouwen One of the most valuable actions we can take in our relationships is to show our partner or friend what makes us feel loved and valued. Everyone registers these feelings in different ways. In our intimate relationships, we are responsible to teach our loved ones what gives us this experience. How can someone know how love and connection registers inside of you? One person might experience feeling loved through consistent physical touch. While someone else feels valued when their friend makes time out of their busy life to meet for coffee. One partner might feel
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Addictions Abound

“Never fall in love with a person with a substance abuse problem because that drug will always be the other woman.”  ~ Unknown I have such respect for Rama, the woman who trained me as a yoga teacher. Deeply steeped in yogic philosophy, Rama taught me how to slowly unwind the deeply held tension in my body to release those mental-emotional grooves that caused me to suffer. At the time, my mind was pretty addicted to suffering. One of the most profound statements Rama ever said to me was, “We are all addicted to something.” And, then of course she followed that up with, “Why not be addicted to yoga?” I took that to heart and I still agree. Overtime, a true yoga practice that
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