Cultivate Your Tribe… As Your Treasure

“Love is our true destiny. We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone – we find it with another.” ~ Thomas Merton Everyone has a basic need to be loved, cared about and part of someone’s life. By nature we yearn to experience a real sense of belonging. The animal kingdom is a great example of the innate need to play and commune with others. Elephants thrive in herds and follow each other over vast terrain. Dolphins frolic in pods. Connection is vital and integral to the natural flow of life. Who are your people, your tribe? Who do you allow in to your innermost hopes and dreams, sorrows and struggles? When you melt down, spout off or act totally ridiculous, do your people still
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Relationships Thrive with Respect

Relationships Thrive With Respect Have you ever tried to change your partner, family member or good friend, so you wouldn’t have to feel disappointed, disconnection, loss or frustration? Respect is a heart state that creates the foundation of every good relationship. When respect is present, both people experience the deep underlying love that comes from feeling valued for who they are, rather than evaluated for what they do or don’t do. Each of us arrives in a human form with a destiny to live out. Our personal blueprint marks the territory we must travel. We play out our destiny; acting in our own way and timing. And, we make choices and hold attitudes according to our inner programming. As you respect your own destiny and
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What Sabotages You?

The Saboteur can sweep you under in a heartbeat with its handy dandy broom of self-doubt and reason—robbing your spirit and intent.” You feel great. You’re poised to shift into new endeavors, to change the direction of your life. Looking ahead you can see the results of this shift: an increased sense of well being. Your intentions are clear, your commitment to action is in place—and then something thwarts the process. That “something” is your Saboteur, a subconscious force, ready to detour you and your path. The Saboteurs first strike is to challenge every aspect of your intention to expand your life. You take a risk, do things differently, try a new creation, or uncover a part of you that has been squelched far too
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8 Dream Tips

 “The interpretation of dreams is the royal road to a knowledge of the unconscious activities of the mind.”   Sidmund Freud   8  Dream Tips Has a dream ever rocked your world? Are you haunted by a recurrent dream that keeps nudging you to wake up to its message? Pay attention! Dreams are a magical language packed with awareness. They shine light into the intricacies of your inner world, illuminating how rich and vast you are. Dreams uncover unconscious beliefs and habits that create challenges in your life. They guide your next steps to growth and creativity. Light from your soul, dreams connect you to the mystical realms. Like guests to a party, dreams have to be invited, and then treated well. Here are 8 ways
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Love Gets Messy Sometimes

Let’s face it ~ Love Gets Messy Sometimes! Have you ever heard yourself say, ‘This can’t be love’ or ‘I think I’ve fallen out of love? Maybe you’ve had the experience of losing respect for your partner or friend for a time. You’ve ‘had it’ and you want to take a break! Or, you might even be an expert at dreaming an exit strategy. If you’ve been in a committed relationship, you may know what I am talking about. Love does get messy at times. Knowing how to clean up the mess and return to an even stronger connection is an art. Learning this art requires your attention and action to be committed to a life of grwoing the Love that is always inside of
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Conscious Breath for Healing

How often do you really pay attention to your breath? I first discovered the power of breath when I was diagnosed with breast cancer and fraught with anxiety. Insomnia plagued me those first few days.  I was shocked, confused and overwhelmed with the decisions I needed to make about treatment. I turned to the wisdom of my yoga teacher for help. Rama is a true master of her craft. She told me that the most potent practice I could do for healing was conscious breathing. She instructed me to put my feet up the wall while laying on the ground to relax my sacrum, which in turn relaxed my mind. Music on and feet up the wall for 30 minutes a day, I began my
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