Monthly Archives November 2019

What Will Your Soul be feasting on this Thanksgiving? I remember sitting in the Pyramids of Teotihuacan when my teacher asked us three simple questions: 1. What does your soul need?  2. What feeds it? 3. What grows it? It was 1988, and I must admit I had not been entertaining soul life. I was too busy orchestrating my important ego life, feeling immense stress and a vague unhappiness. On that day, I found myself on a soul journey, traveling with strangers, in a foreign land, with a teacher that could barely speak English. Embarking on this spiritual journey marked a huge turning point in my life. Sitting on the hard stones in the third classroom of the pyramids, each of us guessed at answers to Miguel’s question, and we all missed the mark! In his gentle sweet voice, Miguel simply
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Become a Drop With Me

“In a world with more than seven billion people, each of us is a drop in the bucket. But with enough drops, we can fill any bucket.” David Susuki With the first news of the morning I felt a heightened anxiety. I listened more intently than ever to the newest alarm about climate change: “The world’s people face “untold suffering due to the climate crisis” unless there are major transformations to global society, according to a stark warning from more than 11,000 scientists.” And, I find it sad that the US has withdrawn from the Paris Agreement whose central aim is to strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change. I feel like I’ve been awake to climate change for awhile now, and yet with
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Forgive Yourself for Judging Yourself

“The action of entering the center point of the labyrinth represents the moment you forgive yourself. This is the action of your own forgiveness and of reclaiming the power, or the impeccability, of your own word, of your own intent.” ― don Miguel Ruiz Jr. Your heart feels heavy. Your stomach is in knots. You wish you had a do-over! What do you do when you realize you hurt someone with your words or actions? For most people, guilt is the first sensation that comes up. Guilt is a big shout-out that asks you to listen up, bring awareness to yourself and the situation. It prods you to figure out how you are going to fess up and make this right. Guilt is a great corrector, yet if
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