Are You Friends with your Feelings?

Feelings are Not Food Contrary to popular belief, it is not actually humanly possible to EAT your feelings. To support this fact, I’ll just briefly review what eating is: You eat the ham sandwich…you digest the ham sandwich…you flush the ham sandwich. This is a beautiful circle of life that is designed exclusively for food and does not apply, in any way, to feelings. One of the things we don’t learn enough in childhood is how to openly and honestly express what we feel. In order for us to have healthy relationships, being able to feel, process and express our emotions as they arise is essential. The problem is, so many of us learn early on that it’s not safe to express our true feelings. Either our caregivers
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The 5 Givens

“Truth is rarely writ in ink; it lives in nature.” ~ Martin H. Fischer Imagine your heart as a beautiful flower – open, shining its beauty and offering its fragrance of kindness, compassion and generosity into life. You are in full bloom – present in your true nature. Now, consider that most people live in their head a good amount of the time. Thinking and Thinking – Needing to Know – Making Assumptions – Needing to Understand – Worried about the Future and Ruminating about the Past. This is the true nature of the unruly mind – addicted to thought and dampening the bloom in our heart. It is our greatest work to master our untamed mind. The more we corral our addictive thoughts and limiting beliefs, the greater our heart will shine its happiness. There are many ways to
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Do you listen to the Whispers?

Before you get sick, your body will whisper about its fatigue. Before you break up, your lover will whisper her requests. Before your business goes bankrupt, your customers will whisper their complaints. If you don’t listen to the whispers, you’ll be forced to listen  to the screams.” ~ Aubrey Marcus We all listen to the whispers at times. We take those whispers to heart. We move in to internal silence, check in with awareness, and take action based on the impulses signaling us to pay attention. Or, another choice we sometimes make is to hear the whispers, ignore them, deny them and hope they go away. We employ our coping strategies to avoid facing the inevitable action we must take to quiet the whispers. This week,
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Renew Your Sanity and Your Soul

Imagine a renewal of  your Sanity and your Soul.  What I know for sure is that when stress over-rides our system, we become lost from ourselves. Our true heart nature, where our inherent love and happiness reside, shuts down. We can’t find clarity, our spirit is lost to the humdrum, everyday challenges of life. Our relationships suffer, and We are Just Not Happy campers. Are toxic stress hormones coursing through your veins? ~ Fear of not enough ________ frequent your thoughts. ~ You wake up with anxiety. ~ You have difficulty sleeping. ~ Anger or fleeing are frequent responses to your relationships. ~ You feed on the next ‘high’ to soothe your discomfort. ~ You are tired most of the time. ~ You shut down your expression and pull into yourself for safety. ~
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6 Glaring Signs of Distress

“You don’t have to live with whatever life throws you… or whatever you’ve gotten yourself into… you can choose to Change Your Story.” ~ Kirsten Leigh How do you know when it is time to break out of personal limitations and situations that undermine your aliveness? How do you know when it is necessary for your well-being to bury an old story and create a new one that raises your state – more freedom to be and express who you are? Truth be told, many of us wrestle with this question. We don’t recognize when or how we trap ourselves in a too tight cage and our soul can’t soar. We drag ourselves through the hum drums, feeling anxious or unfulfilled, often immune to our own discontent. Resigned
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Artist Of Your Soul Course

                         Artist of your Soul  9-Week Group Coaching Starts Feb 2019 “God, the supreme artist, uses our life for the creation of art. We are the instruments through which the force of life expresses itself.” ~ Miguel Ruiz   Imagine feeling deep Self-Acceptance, claiming a delicious wholeness, confidence and radiance that rids you of the ways you defend, hide or judge yourself.   Imagine strengthening Self-Respect, monitoring your personal energy and creating healthy boundaries around people and systems that cause you to go against yourself.   Imagine grounding into Self-Trust, following your intuitive radar that over-rides your auto-pilot programming which keeps you stuck in a familiar safety zone and filling you with self-doubt.  
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What do you know about intention?

“What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create.”  ~ Buddha Happy New Year Raise Your Staters, It’s been awhile since I’ve written a newsletter. I’ve taken some rejuvenation time after our Soul Powered apprentice initiation in Teotihuacan (the soul train blasted off for sure) to listen deeply to my body and the great Dreamer who shows wise counsel. I’m feeling strong to have adjusted and established a freer state inside of me – less push, more ease – less doing, more being – less of my mind’s crazy ideas and more of my soul’s inspiration. Taking a big pause works! Our Soul train is traveling into 2018 with many Raise Your Staters who are committed to greater awareness, peace and love. I hope you’ll
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Do you say Yes to your imperfect messy self?

  “Tell them about how you’re never really a whole person if you remain silent, because there’s always that one little piece inside you that wants to be spoken out, and if you keep ignoring it, it gets madder and madder and hotter and hotter, and if you don’t speak it out one day it will just up and punch you in the mouth from the inside.”  ~ Audre Lorde   Have you ever been told you just need to ‘think positive’ and your problems will go away? Or, that to achieve what you want in your life, all you need to do is visualize it and put energy behind it and it will happen? While it is true that when you use your most generous lens
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Be the Peace in the Eye of the Storm!

Are you standing strong in the eye of the storm? Or, has the chaos of our times uprooted you?  Turbulent times can bring out the best in us, or the worst in us. Our internal state determines which way we will go. With massive floods and fires across the globe, political uprising and threats of growing nuclear power, it is clear that we live in shaky, uncertain times. Many people are feeling scared, confused, concerned and helpless in the midst of these tumultuous times. And, many people want to contribute in a supportive and positive way. Most certainly, we are all a little more in touch with the fragility of life. If you desire to become established in a more peaceful inner state and stand strong in the storms of life, here are
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The Drama Triangle

“Drama is very important in life. You have to come on with a bang. You never want to go out with a whimper. Everything can have drama, if it’s done right. Even a pancake.”  ~ Julia Childs What is your relationship to drama? And, I’m not talking about the pancake kind. You know – the stories, opinions and emotions that send you up, pull you down and spin you all around, using a ton of energy. Whether you see it on the news, experience it with your mate, or spend time with your long lost family, I suspect you do know about the drama that dissipates energy and creates distance in relationships. Today, I want to share with you a model called the “drama triangle’. This dynamic is based on work by Stephen Karpman,
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